The Digital Transformation of Africa 4 a Digitally Inclusive Economy

After School Computer Animation Program (ASCAP)

Competition in the modern world is improving day by day because the world is now changing into global village. One corner of the world has direct effect on the other, but the rural areas remain completely cut off from the rest of the world.  The rural areas in Cameroon constitutes more than 65% of the Cameroon population, living in abject poverty and misery as lack access to basic social amenities such as portable drinking water, electricity and Health facilities. The biggest nightmare to then this problem listed above is computer illiteracy and the lack of internet facilities and ICT services as a whole. This is hugely contributed by limited and no access to electricity or energy source that could spearhead a lot of economic activities in those areas, and this constitute the biggest of all as the rural areas are completely cut off from the rest of the world.

However, Barriers to modern education are rooted within our cultural and social norms of the rural population, while economical concerns in these areas are sometimes depending on the availability and accessibility of information and communication technologies of which the rural areas are completely lacking.

The speed of a nation’s development is directly related to the quantity and quality of vocational skills possessed by its workforce. The basic knowledge of computer skills is very important in today’s environment because everything is centered on technology.   Computer literacy is also important because of the changing work environment.

In response to this problem I-GLOBE in partnership with K-LEGACY and Trading Ventures Have designed a program called Rural Computer Literacy Program (RCLP), which is planned initially implement the following activities before training:

  • establishing computer literacy centers in for women and youths in some of the Division/Sub Division in most rural communities.
  • Installation of Solar panels on these computer literacy Centers and
  • Train Teachers and youths to train others and also offer computer related services to those communities.

This program seeks to empower the youth in rural communities with computer education which will include knowledge in computer programming and desktop publishing and technical skills in computer engineering – installation, assembly and repairs. Through providing education, job, technical, entrepreneurial and leadership skills to community members the project aims to reduce poverty, crime and illiteracy.


  • To establish Computer Training Centers in rural communities specializing in the use of ICT to support education of youths and willing adults, and the management of affordable  ICTs with relevant local content and for intellectual development
  • To equip the centers with Satellite Internet for community member/association could communicate each other as well as Solar panels for access to electricity. These could bring so many benefits to both communities. Emails can be exchanged between pupils, and the comparisons of culture and environment would yield much educational enrichment
  • To train peer educators (Youth leaders and Teachers) from churches and schools to adequately equipped them with relevant knowledge, skills and materials to deliver sound and qualitative information and computer education to the youths
  • To adopt a holistic approach that will cover range of issues on ICT, creating effective and sustainable uses for technology that are integrated into local society.
  • To train youths of rural communities in Video and VCD production skills using computer multimedia programs complemented by special micro-finance products to facilitate self-employment.

We believe that by tackling these problems with the Rural Computer Literacy Program (RCLP), the following outcomes will be realized.

Improvement in student’s learning/academic achievement

        Improvement of access to technology for all students

        Increased employability and reduce poverty and unemployment.

        Greater Earnings Potential

        Greater Access to Resources

        Increase economic growth of the area.

        Improve community social structure.

        Positive change in student’s life and further education

        Enhanced community involvement in development


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