Techno-Social Learning Impact Community Approach to Education

Over the years, Education has gone through several cycles and phases of development, adapting to new methods and stages of curriculum development meanwhile, its approach “Teacher Vs Students in the Classroom” remains the same. And since then, the question about academic performance and success solely relies only on the Teacher’s competence and the capacity to teach.

While other industries such as Finance, Entertainment, Communication, and even Automobiles are re-structuring to adapt and validated the use of advanced technology to fully boast their growth and flexibility in the marketplace, education on the other hand, like Old Wine in a New Bottle, still uses its Old Approach “Teacher Vs Students in the Classroom” and its never-changing mode of application in the 21st Century.

The Global Pandemic outbreak COVID19 that hit the world last year in February completely shut down every industry and education was the most affected since the movement was completely restricted. This exposed all the lapses and loopholes in the education industry, creating a huge vacuum that can only be addressed with technology. Coupled with the 4-year long socio-political crisis in the North and South West regions of Cameroon that has completely paralyzed the entire educational sector in this area, one could conclude that this is the time to let Technology fully take over the Educational System in Cameroon and Africa at large.

However, in I-GLOBE’s vision for a Digital Cameroon, E-Learning/Digital Education is featured amongst others such as E-Governance, E-Medical, and E-Commerce that constitutes the Digital Economy. Therefore, our approach to digitizing education comes with two of our outstanding projects designed for this vision which are:

  1.    E-Learning and Technology for Education (ELTEA)which targets Teaching and Learning with Technology
  2.    Digital Academic Management System (DAMS)which targets Administration and management of Education

These projects are designed to work in tandem with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly targeting Goal 4 of the SDGs which states “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. “and ELTEA project is squarely fitted into the SDGs by breaking every barrier and impediments in education with the use of Advanced Technologies.

E-learning Technology for Education (ELTEA) is a Teaching/Learning Portal designed to provide alternative methods of acquiring Education different from the Traditional Teacher-Student Classroom method, to a more advanced digital learning method with Teacher-Student/Teacher-Teacher and Student-student centric Approach, using Advanced Technologies.

ELTEA introduces a new Approach to Education called Techno-ocial Learning Impact Community (SOLIC) Approach, which engages and motivates users technically and financially through its 7 to 10 Multi-Level Affiliate Referral Membership Strategy.

The goal of the SOLIC Approach is to boost availability, accessibility, affordably and sustainability of Quality Education for All, cutting across every barrier and some of the major factors influencing teaching/learning such as age limits, IQ, social status, socio-economic, cultural, political, Religious and geographical background, making it possible for disabled people, patients, prisoners, ethnic minorities groups, refugees and economically disadvantaged people to acquire quality education sustainably to any level using advanced technologies.

The expressed GOAL of the SOLIC Approach focus on the above stated 4 pillars and applicable values that can be analyzed as follows:

  1. Availability: Quality educational content is available to everyone regardless of social class, geographical location, cultural, political, religious, and economic background.
  2. Accessibility: acquiring quality education is no longer bound by time and place or rather by atmospheric or environmental factors. While we used to be confined in a classroom to learn, the whole world becomes the classroom with ELTEA, and you can learn at home, work, bus/train while traveling by making good use of the time that could be wasted as long as you have the device that is capable of doing so.
  3. Affordability: SOLIC Approach to Education via ELTEA turns to be highly affordable for everyone with a device and internet connection, as opposed to the normal traditional approach that requires heavy investment as it uses Trainer’s time, buildings, furniture, equipment, transportation means, feeding, and lodging facility.
  4. Sustainability:  ELTEA through the SOLIC Approach does not only introduces the means Education can be funded but also a way education can be sustained through its Multi-Level referral Program with 2 benefit plans which are
    • Referral Reward Plan: that provides an instant financial reward of up $8,202 USDs life support fund to a member through referrals  
    • Performance Reward Plans:  This Reward of up to $118,033 in scholarships Funds and other prizes is earned by the member as a prize of building his own Social Learning Impact Community of which he automatically becomes a leader, through the Affiliate Referral program.

Digital Education is on the rise in developed and some developing countries and is highly used to address the problems caused by the COVID19 Pandemic. Besides COVID 19 in Cameroon, we witnessed how the Crisis in the North and South West Regions cripple the educational system and our economy. Consequently, the need for Digital Education in Cameroon is paramount and ELTEA provides a solution that ensures accessibility, Affordability adaptability, and Sustainability of Education beyond borders.


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  1. Teacher professional learning communities: A collaborative OER adoption approach in Karnataka, India Teacher professional learning communities: A collaborative OER adoption approach in Karnataka, India

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